I screwed up and forgot to do a post after the first cut. So, I guess this year will start with the second. Always fun this time of year since the rain and sunshine make it grow super fast. Every week the grass is like a jungle.
This indomitable little cat is full of adventurous mischief. Leave a cup on a table or counter…. he’ll remind you it’s there by knocking it off. He is happy to snuggle. Though he is the nemesis of our latest pet addition, Cody. They have stare downs....
It only took 12 years but we finally made it over to the Wanamaker light show at Macy’s. It was crowded and a bit hard to hear because people wouldn’t shut up. But the pipe organ was cool. Though they might need to update their light display to maintain interest with...
Probably the last cut before the winter season. Well maybe there will be one more. You never know. I have two canine friends out to help me during my beer break.
This is my personal blog where I write about whatever is on my mind. I'll admit, it's a bit all over the place at times. If you want to read more focused writing about marketing and sales head over to my business blog at nuvonium.com.