Walking to work

Walking to work

I’ve recently had a career change that’s allowed me to work very close to home. 1.1 miles from my house. It’s so close I can walk to work. And I have. Walking to my office was healthy and enjoyable. It made me feel like I lived in a city – but...

Adobe to charge Flash coders to use ‘premium’ features | Deep Tech – CNET News

Adobe to charge Flash coders to use ‘premium’ features | Deep Tech – CNET News

I read this CNET news article and all I could say is…wow. I mean…what is Adobe thinking? If you’re going to add a fee to something that was previously free then you have to add enormous value. But it seems they’re simply changing the rules. And...

David Ogilvy quotes

David Ogilvy quotes

Like most designers and ad guys I revere and love David Ogilvy. So when I stumbled upon this blog post with 10 Ogilvy quotes…I knew I had to post it. “The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife.”  “The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as...