The Most Important Predictor of Sales Success – Philip Delves Broughton – Harvard Business Review

The Most Important Predictor of Sales Success – Philip Delves Broughton – Harvard Business Review

An interesting take on the nature of sales and successful salesmen. It’s something I can related to. I’m not a natural sales person, it’s not my best talent. Though as an entrepreneur I’ve had to learn and force myself. Though I will admit, as...

Video: Why Your Burger Doesn’t Look Like the One in the Ad | Advertising and Marketing Wisdom: Adages – Advertising Age

Video: Why Your Burger Doesn’t Look Like the One in the Ad | Advertising and Marketing Wisdom: Adages – Advertising Age

Video: Why Your Burger Doesn’t Look Like the One in the Ad | Advertising and Marketing Wisdom: Adages – Advertising Age

I’ve got to hand it to McDonald’s Canada. They don’t pull punches and tell it like it is. The food on the packaging and the commercials because a lot of effort and expense go into making it look good. Video: Why Your Burger Doesn’t Look Like...