This is so funny. I’ve always commented on this. Don’t get me wrong, even though coffee doesn’t tastes as good as it smells… I drink it constantly. In fact some have said I’m trying to replace my blood with coffee. One can dream.... by williamlevins | Sep 10, 2012 | Coolness, General Thoughts
Bel Mondo Beauty Mask OK, I’ll admit it…I felt a bit funny wearing a beauty mask. But I have to admit, it felt great…even if it look scary. The Bel Mondo Beauty Mask is a full face sheet mask made of bio cellulose. It clings to you face but... by williamlevins | Sep 3, 2012 | Coolness
It’s known that Apple is making its Operating Systems available for download… and that each update has been modestly priced. But what really took me by surprise was the latest incarnation of their Server OS. Yes, it too has been getting less expensive over... by williamlevins | Aug 7, 2012 | General Thoughts, Graphic Design, Small Business, Web Development
The breaks. La cerveza mas fins. Ahh. by williamlevins | Aug 5, 2012 | General Thoughts
Well I’m suitably impressed. On the surface the new is an attractive design that may start me visiting again. I was a fan of the early days of Digg then abandon them – after their many missteps – for Reddit. But this new interface may win me... by williamlevins | Aug 1, 2012 | Social Media, Web Design
Social media by definition is the act of being social online. To share personal experiences with other friends, associates, followers, etc. It’s tantamount to hanging out with a hundred or a thousand of your “friends” in a group and talking about the... by williamlevins | Jul 21, 2012 | Advertising & Marketing, Social Media
Wow. I wish I could have attended this lecture. I’m a big admirer of Paul Rand. I would have woken up extra early. I hope that this lecture was caught on video and that someday it’s made available. I’d love to watch it. I’m enamored with this... by williamlevins | Jul 15, 2012 | Graphic Design
An interesting take on the nature of sales and successful salesmen. It’s something I can related to. I’m not a natural sales person, it’s not my best talent. Though as an entrepreneur I’ve had to learn and force myself. Though I will admit, as... by williamlevins | Jul 14, 2012 | General Thoughts
I’ve got to hand it to McDonald’s Canada. They don’t pull punches and tell it like it is. The food on the packaging and the commercials because a lot of effort and expense go into making it look good. Video: Why Your Burger Doesn’t Look Like... by williamlevins | Jun 20, 2012 | Advertising & Marketing
I dabbled with Rackspace’s Cloud Sites™ platform way back when it was a start-up called Mosso. I tried it. It was bad. I left. But then a a year or so later…I noticed it’d been absorbed by Rackspace. I loved Rackspace and had a dedicated server there... by williamlevins | Jun 20, 2012 | Web Design, Web Development