I work a lot. But even I wear down eventually. After a 60 day stretch of non-stop long days I finally broke. I’ve taken a four day weekend with my family. So far it’s been great. by williamlevins | Jul 13, 2015 | General Thoughts
Happy 4th of July! by williamlevins | Jul 4, 2015 | General Thoughts
One of my daily visits is to MacDailyNews.com. I visit it probably every day, perhaps once or twice a day if not more. Over the years, it’s become my go to site for Apple related news. But today when I visited, I was met with pleas to disable my ad blocker (ad... by williamlevins | Jun 30, 2015 | Advertising & Marketing, General Thoughts
Backblaze has saved my files (and butt) numerous times. Source: Review: Backblaze has saved my files (and butt) numerous times by williamlevins | May 26, 2015 | General Thoughts, Small Business
Your cat does not care how hard your day was… feed him or he’ll poop on your pillow by williamlevins | May 11, 2015 | General Thoughts
A while back, for no reason at all, my wife and I were talking about insults. And somehow the conversation drifted to how some words can be used to modify other words or phrases to make a seemingly innocent verbal barb a little bit more nasty. We both agreed that... by williamlevins | Apr 29, 2015 | General Thoughts
Hey, I’m always a sucker for Legos… so why not. Wealth Inequality, Explained With Legos –... by williamlevins | Apr 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
Cut the cord about two years ago. One of the happiest days of my life was returning Comcast’s set top boxes to them. Use an AppleTV, Roku2, iPads, iPhones, Computers, and Digital Antenna (for CBS Sunday Morning). Also have a Mac Mini that store hundreds of digitized... by williamlevins | Mar 16, 2015 | General Thoughts
Yes, I’m just echoing prior predictions. Automation is bad. The robots are coming. Blah, blah, blah. But it’s not all hype and the sky is falling type fears. I read an article the other day that discussed how the pace of change is accelerating. That future... by williamlevins | Feb 9, 2015 | General Thoughts
My mornings now start with iPo snuggles. Poor iPo wasn’t getting along with the other cats at home. Behavioral problems had ensued. So in a last ditch effort we brought him to the office. Home cats seem happier. IPo seems happier. And hey, my day now starts with... by williamlevins | Feb 9, 2015 | General Thoughts