I’ll admit, I’m a softie and a sucker for anything related to Leogs. I still have mine from childhood (though I did give them… er… lend them to Maddy). And I still enjoy playing wiht them… with Maddy of course.... by williamlevins | Jun 23, 2016 | General Thoughts
Why would an intelligent designer create this crazy deadly tree? by williamlevins | Jun 23, 2016 | General Thoughts
I enjoy John Oliver… he almost inspires me to subscribe to HBO. by williamlevins | Jun 23, 2016 | General Thoughts
Some plain spoken, excellent advice from Mike Rowe that no one wants to hear let alone listen to. by williamlevins | Jun 9, 2016 | General Thoughts
Humorous explanation of the universe… except for Natasha by williamlevins | May 23, 2016 | Coolness, General Thoughts
Funny, educational, and entertaining. That’s a combination you don’t usually encounter. Talented guy. by williamlevins | May 9, 2016 | Coolness
This is very cool indeed. Simple tools makes some interesting “magic” by williamlevins | Apr 27, 2016 | Coolness
Cool app / game and it will probably be a very interesting Lego set. The magical and mysterious world of a mobile game may take on new life as a LEGO set Source: Monument Valley Embarks onto the LEGO World by williamlevins | Feb 16, 2016 | Coolness
Much like the evolution of systems design, IT-enabled process change ebbs and flows over time. We see this in history as each technology revolution brings.. Source: AI Is About To Go Mainstream And Reshape The Workplace by williamlevins | Sep 29, 2015 | General Thoughts
While sipping my morning coffee I glanced over and saw the remnants of a tea party. Sit-n-spin to some, a perfectly sized tea table to my daughter. I’m left wondering who attended her tea party? Uni her pet unicorn? Tigy her pet leopard? Mom? Whoever came... by williamlevins | Aug 4, 2015 | Being Dad