As with many… I thought we were smarter as a nation. I guess it’s true, individuals are smart… the public is dumb. by williamlevins | Nov 14, 2016 | General Thoughts
Yes, they’re bad for us in every way… and yet we’ll still drink them. I know I do, though I try to keep it to one 5 Hour Energy or Monster per day. Some taste better than others. Some are simply horrible. Though truthfully, I get awfully tired of... by williamlevins | Nov 12, 2016 | Coolness, General Thoughts
Sure, it’s not the best costume. But after deciding to dress for trick-or-treating to match my daughter’s Cleopatra costume – I think I did fairly well. I sacrificed a few undershirts to make it all happen… and what do you expect for 10 minutes... by williamlevins | Oct 31, 2016 | Being Dad
A couple of weeks ago, the hilarious Polynesian surviorman known as Kap taught us how to climb a coconut tree. Today he comes to us with knowledge of how to build a fire and a plethora of one-liners. Source: How To Build A Fire By Rubbing Sticks Together by williamlevins | Jul 12, 2016 | General Thoughts
This is a pretty cool idea. by williamlevins | Jul 11, 2016 | Coolness
Ok… I downloaded silly pictures of cats. And then had nothing to do with them. So here they are… to amuse the inter-webs. by williamlevins | Jun 27, 2016 | General Thoughts
So cool. I’m amazed the cats follow them. My cats are ass hats and do what they want. by williamlevins | Jun 23, 2016 | Coolness, General Thoughts Design was tapped by production company RSA to concept and create this year’s AICP Sponsor Reel. The AICP awards celebrate global creativity within commercial p Source: AICP Sponsor Reel By Method Studios –... by williamlevins | Jun 23, 2016 | General Thoughts
Yuck… Finnish probiotics brand Gefilus is so good at building up healthy bacteria in your gut—thereby strengthening your immune system—that you could lick a pay phone in Moscow and not get sick. That’s the rough premise of a 22-minute (!) ad from dairy... by williamlevins | Jun 23, 2016 | Advertising & Marketing, General Thoughts