Visiting my mom I stumbled upon a photo of her on a pony dressed as a cow girl. Apparently this was a thing. The pony man would travel house to house and you could get dressed up and take a photo on his pony. Now I’m considering becoming a traveling pony man.... by williamlevins | Mar 27, 2022 | General Thoughts
When you’re trying to work but your animals think you need rest… sometimes they take charge. Here two of my cats and my dog are trying to convince me to rest. The two cats were sleeping on me and really didn’t want to move. They dog kept sleeping on... by williamlevins | Feb 20, 2022 | General Thoughts
Mowing the grass and mulching up the damn leaves. Hopefully this will be the last cut of the year. One never knows with our weird weather.... by williamlevins | Dec 4, 2021 | General Thoughts
OK, so full disclosure, as the President of Reviva Labs I have access to all our skin care products – and even the ones under development. So, choosing favorites is difficult. And my favs change quite frequently. But for at least 2021 my two new favorites have... by williamlevins | Dec 2, 2021 | General Thoughts, Skin Care, Small Business
It never fails my gray cats love to be warm. And they really love the fireplace. Benjamin has stepped into his predecessor’s spot. Charlie would sit on the hearth until he was melting warm. Now Benny is following in his paw prints.... by williamlevins | Nov 26, 2021 | General Thoughts
Cutting the grass. It’s a nice day but I’m still hoping this is the last cut. Going to decorate later. I hate mowing and moving Halloween decorations. But that’s usually what happens. wow my photo makes me looked stoned. Nope just sun in my eyes.... by williamlevins | Oct 2, 2021 | General Thoughts
Mowing the grass. Hopefully not too many more this year. Maybe 4-5 more cuts.... by williamlevins | Sep 19, 2021 | General Thoughts
Mowing the lawn. Nice day for it. But also have to trim the bushes. Don’t mind trimming. Hate the cleanup part. many gnats out here. Annoying mini bugs. Why do they insist on seeking death in my... by williamlevins | Sep 4, 2021 | General Thoughts
Trying to sneak in a cut before the rain comes. It’s really tall after only a week and more rain is coming. So gotta get the grass cut.... by williamlevins | Aug 29, 2021 | General Thoughts