Egads! Where did 14 years go?

Egads! Where did 14 years go?

When my daughter was born, everyone said “the time goes fast.” But when you’re living the sleep deprived early years, and then chasing the toddler around, and then whisking them off to soccer, and then to summer camp, and school, and after school activities – you tend to lose track of the days and years. And then boom your baby girl turns into a 14 year old young lady.

Because my wife and I started our family when we were a bit older… I do think we did cherish the days and years more than if we had our child in our mid twenties. But time still flew by.

Our B-Day Tradition Continues

Rain or Shine, Cold or Hot, the Levins crew heads to Ocean City to celebrate Maddy’s birthday. Yup, she stays home from school and we enjoy a lovely breakfast and head to the beach. We’ve been in rain gear, winter coats, and on the rare occasion spent the day on the beach.

This year it was windy and cold.

Regardless, we hit the boardwalk, though nothing was open. We ventured onto the beach and took our traditional photos.

And of course, after a long, fun day, not matter how sleepy or dessert filled we might already be… Maddy has to celebrate with an official 14 birthday cupcake.

And Dad is left to marvel how awesome she is – as I also quietly wish she was little again. She was less sassy when she was little. But always a great kid…. sorry, young lady.