I love the design today. And I love the web. Sure, both may have their issues, but when talented folks share so much great stuff online, like photos, icons, videos, etc. It’s hard not to find value in it all. Freebie: Brands Icons And Color Style Guides... by williamlevins | Mar 11, 2013 | Graphic Design, Web Design
Well I’m suitably impressed. On the surface the new Digg.com is an attractive design that may start me visiting again. I was a fan of the early days of Digg then abandon them – after their many missteps – for Reddit. But this new interface may win me... by williamlevins | Aug 1, 2012 | Social Media, Web Design
I dabbled with Rackspace’s Cloud Sites™ platform way back when it was a start-up called Mosso. I tried it. It was bad. I left. But then a a year or so later…I noticed it’d been absorbed by Rackspace. I loved Rackspace and had a dedicated server there... by williamlevins | Jun 20, 2012 | Web Design, Web Development
I read this CNET news article and all I could say is…wow. I mean…what is Adobe thinking? If you’re going to add a fee to something that was previously free then you have to add enormous value. But it seems they’re simply changing the rules. And... by williamlevins | Mar 28, 2012 | General Thoughts, Web Design, Web Development
A neat use of scrolling/parallax in web design. Inception Explained – An interactive animated infographic. by williamlevins | Mar 21, 2012 | Coolness, Web Design