OK, so full disclosure, as the President of Reviva Labs I have access to all our skin care products – and even the ones under development. So, choosing favorites is difficult. And my favs change quite frequently. But for at least 2021 my two new favorites have... by williamlevins | Dec 2, 2021 | General Thoughts, Skin Care, Small Business
I too dislike self-checkout. I prefer interacting with a human. Besides, self checkout options still have too many glitches. I never even considered I’m working for free… by williamlevins | Dec 12, 2016 | General Thoughts, Small Business
Backblaze has saved my files (and butt) numerous times. Source: Review: Backblaze has saved my files (and butt) numerous times by williamlevins | May 26, 2015 | General Thoughts, Small Business
Well it’s a new year. 2012 is over and 2013 is here. The Mayans called it wrong. And like most, at the start of each new year I think up some resolutions that I hope to accomplish throughout the year. I’ve got mine of course. But so I’m more likely... by williamlevins | Jan 2, 2013 | Being Dad, Family Things, General Thoughts, Small Business
An interesting article by Dmitry Fadeyev about why free is a bad thing (usually). Avoiding The Pitfalls Of Free | Smashing Magazine. by williamlevins | Oct 18, 2012 | General Thoughts, Graphic Design, Small Business
It’s known that Apple is making its Operating Systems available for download… and that each update has been modestly priced. But what really took me by surprise was the latest incarnation of their Server OS. Yes, it too has been getting less expensive over... by williamlevins | Aug 7, 2012 | General Thoughts, Graphic Design, Small Business, Web Development