the number of future grass cuttings ahead this year is definitely dwindling. Maybe two or at most three more if guess. But the end is nigh. the puppers seem happy to have freshly mowed grass. They came out to inspect and gave me two tail wags. Halloween decorating...
It’s no secret I haven’t been a fan of the last few musicals we’ve attended. But Book of Mormon was awesome! This is my type of musical, fun, funny, and not depressing at all. I definitely vote for more fun musicals! I think Hamilton or The Notebook...
Spent 8 hours cleaning out the garage. It was long over due but it was the perfect day to do it. But neither I or Elaine were motivated. But we eventually started and powered through. Currently it doesn’t look that different because after cleaning and reorganizing, I...
Well, it’s here. My little girl is a freshman in high school. Everyone tells you the time flies by – and they’re right. It seems like just yesterday it was her first day of kindergarten. Soon, she’ll be driving, and then heading off to college....
Odd thing, I didn’t really watch either convention much. I tuned in a few times to each. But there was definitely a different level of energy between the two. You can think that’s good or bad but it was clear regardless. Heard a comment the DNC should put...
I missed posting two weeks ago when I cut the lawn. It was 98 deg but felt like 104. Needless to say I was spent afterwards. This week it’s warm but not that warm. But the grass is two weeks tall. So it took a while. But now we’re not the sad unkept house on the...
This is my personal blog where I write about whatever is on my mind. I'll admit, it's a bit all over the place at times. If you want to read more focused writing about marketing and sales head over to my business blog at